Love is for fools~

Monday, 21 May 2012

Rendezvous 3 - B&D/D&S/S&M

B&D/D&S/S&M are interlinked. The guys in the office were talking about it earlier on and we were having fun conjuring safewords.

I like to be tired up, I am submissive, and I may have enjoyed pushing my limits a little hehe ;)

What's your inclination - B&D, D&S, S&M or all of the above? ;)


  1. i prefer D&S..maybe abit of B&D..

  2. have personally nv tried bdsm ever but hv enjoyed the submissive female kneeling down and suckling on my dick as i stand over bt i think i draw the line at really hardcore spanking till it gets super red and stuff. u like bondage? what do u mean by being submissive and pushing it over the limits at times? care to elaborate? :)

  3. have yet to tie someone up...but was blindfolded throughout a session was....amazing..

  4. Ever did rolplay, where you were the submissive slave? Where you exist to fulfill the whims and fancies of your dominant master?
